Remembering My Heroes

In typical fashion, I’m late to the event.  An entire day in this case.  But the sentiment remains the same.  This November 11th, 2017, I did as I usually do each Remembrance/Veteran’s Day and pored through the many photos I have collected over the years, the newspaper clippings I have dug up, the copies of records I have secured from the local museum, and read through page after page online, adding to the slowly growing collection of data and photos I have been adding to with each passing year in regards to my own family’s military history.


Continue reading “Remembering My Heroes”

The Pending Legalization Laws in Canada – Just Another Opinion Piece

Scrolling through my facebook newsfeed as of late I can’t help but notice that many of my friends and acquaintances have posted something pertaining to my nation’s pending legalization of marijuana, and their opinion of the proposed laws that would be put in place to govern said legalization and distribution.  The overall opinion has not been a highly favorable one.  In a surprise twist of events, the outrage has not, as you would have believed, been coming from those opposed to the substance’s legalization, but from those in favour of it. Continue reading “The Pending Legalization Laws in Canada – Just Another Opinion Piece”

Bandwagon Jumping Yet Again: Seven Day Photo Challenge

I’m not much of a bandwagon jumper, and usually prefer to watch the ride go by.  But I jumped all aboard in my last post, and figured hey, why not stay on for a little bit longer – so here I am, at it again.

Amongst all of the negativity and sheer ridiculousness that is so pervasive in social media these days, every once in a while something just a little bit different comes along, like the ‘Seven Day Black and White Photo Challenge”, which really is just as basic as it sounds, and it truly is a small breath of fresh air amongst all of the cyber pollution. Continue reading “Bandwagon Jumping Yet Again: Seven Day Photo Challenge”

Sexual Violence, Predators and, Oh Yes, #metoo.

If you’re on the internet, you’ve seen or heard of the #metoo ‘movement’.  This is my first and only input on it.  What it comes down to is that victims of sexual abuse, assault, misconduct or sexism of any type are encouraged to post a #metoo, to count themselves in the numbers of people who have been privy to unwanted/unfair sexually/sexism charged encounters.  Pretty basic concept, right?  Continue reading “Sexual Violence, Predators and, Oh Yes, #metoo.”

The Reality… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 3 of 3)

Continued from

Can’t Quite Explain It… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 1)

How I’m Actually Doing… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 2)

And oh, the car. I am thrilled to have one – running – again. The price was just right. Continue reading “The Reality… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 3 of 3)”

How I’m ACTUALLY Doing… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 2 of 3)

Continued from Can’t Quite Explain It… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 1)

I’ve mentioned that I haven’t been blogging consistently lately because I’m busy and exhausted. That could not have been more true. But give or take a week or two ago the craziness simmered down for the most part. Though I did go to camp with the man for the weekend and bought a (new to me) car since then. Continue reading “How I’m ACTUALLY Doing… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 2 of 3)”

Can’t Quite Explain It… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 1 of 3)

I try to limit many things I would blog about, because many of the things I would have to say, and my comments on many matters are personal, private or could come across as negative, angry or depressing, or at worst flat out boring and tedious, and that is not the person I try to be socially, the type of things I want to be known for, nor is it the type of person I want to be known as.  Continue reading “Can’t Quite Explain It… A Broke Girl’s Ramblings (Part 1 of 3)”

Tales From the Couch: Sometimes Life Happens

I have the best couch buddy ❤

Once again I find myself taking an extended leave from the good old blogging world.  I haven’t given up and disappeared for good, but as the title states, sometimes life happens.

I’m one of those people that always has trouble finding balance Continue reading “Tales From the Couch: Sometimes Life Happens”

Tightening Up My Budget… Again

I’m one of those people that don’t really notice what the date is.  When I’m at work, I read it off the lower right hand corner of the computer screen and absentmindedly transpose it into whatever document I happen to be working on at the time.  Holidays and long weekends frequently catch me by surprise.  So it was an absolute shock to me when this morning I asked a co-worker what the date was and she replied September the 18th.  That’s right, September the 18th.  At first I thought she was joking. Continue reading “Tightening Up My Budget… Again”

Getting to Know YOU Better

Well, I have been taking a few weeks break from the blogging world for a bit.  Have needed to get caught up on some life stuff that I just couldn’t put off anymore.  That being said, I have spent the bulk of today going through my newsfeed, trying to get caught up on a little bit of what I have missed over here at good ol’ WordPress.

I’ve had some laughs and giggles, have learned a few things, and have sympathized with a few of you, and am eager for some more of it!  But the point of this post is, I came across PennyWilsonWrites and her Meet & Greet post and thought it was a brilliant idea!  (And I hope she doesn’t mind I’ve linked to her post) Continue reading “Getting to Know YOU Better”