Tales From My Couch: A Whole Lot of Nothing

A whole lot of nothing.

Is exactly what I’ve been up to as of late.

I’ve been spending a lot of my spare time lately working on things, contemplating life and strategizing from the comfort of my favourite couch (aka sitting and being lazy).

Doing a quick skim of my last several posts I realize there hasn’t been too much about what I’ve been up to as of late.  And the reason for that is because there has been not a lot of significance to tell.  If I’m going to talk about my day to day existence I kind of like it to have some meaning, but I’ve been too tired recently to extrapolate any from any of it, or too tired to write it (choosing instead to post a few from the archived drafts I’ve been plugging away at that I like to keep as back-ups).  So  I figured I’d just do a check in post.  This is also how a typical week might look, so it might be better phrased there was nothing out of the ordinary for me, rather than that I’ve been up to nothing.

The Monday to Friday usual; work and flying to our remote sites.  Technical issues needing fixing and reorganizing and testing… I’m not sure when or how it happened, but since our tech guy lives 5 hours away I somehow became the resident techie.  (That’s actually a lie; I am the highest in seniority in my position with more years in than the last half dozen hires combined, and therefore the most experience with all of it, so I do know the how).  I don’t mind, but I feel as if I really don’t have a clue what I’m doing half of the time, and it can be a pretty time consuming thing.  But my bosses seem pleased with the work I’ve done, so that’s nice – and lately, it’s been a lot, so I ain’t gonna lie, it’s been a bit of an ego boost for me.  What can I say, I’m a human!  Then getting ready for my committee meeting next week.  It’s the longest and most comprehensive agenda we’ve had yet, so I’m really looking forward to it (yes, I’m a weird one!).

My family had a big dinner together this past weekend to celebrate both of my parents birthdays and Father’s Day.  It’s always nice to get together.  It was a little bit quieter than most, as 2 of my siblings (and the one’s family) weren’t present, which changed the dynamic of our get together entirely.  A stranger observing from afar might even have mistaken us for having some semblance of civility.  And I got in lots of baby time with my darling little nephew.  Who fortunately finally stopped wailing for the first time.  So I think my sister was able to enjoy herself and relax for a bit.

That same weekend and later in the week the man and I went out for sushi and Chinese and watched a couple of movies.

The fortune cookie said so, so it must be true 😉

The weather has been rainy, cool and windy almost every day of the last two weeks so it’s been a lot of indoor time.  Cancelled our trip to the cabin last weekend (and likely again this weekend) because of the weather, but was supposed to meet up with some friends on the lake, which was disappointing.  I haven’t really had any face time with my friends for a while now.

Might go to the march tomorrow (it’s Pride week here) if it’s not cancelled due to rain and if we don’t go to camp.  I wore that shirt of mine all over and around town and at work today just in case I’m not in town to get to do it this weekend (Note to self, next time get any colour other than white).  Also haven’t been feeling too well lately; it can never be just one thing.  There is everything going around my office right now, allergies acting up, insomnia, my joints are telling me the weather (where did my youth go?), and something about the way I slept last night has caused such pain throughout my whole neck I’m still in fairly consistent pain even writing this so late into the evening.  Which all explains perhaps why I spent my Friday night sipping on tea, writing this and having a Lord of the Rings marathon with my pooch.

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My Bluray, boxed, extended edition.  It’s my precious.

Other randomness…

My dog is becoming more entitled than ever.  I’ve not only had to start keeping blankets over the silk duvet so he doesn’t mess it up, but now he’s taken my spot AND my favourite pillow.

Because having his own oversized sofa, bedroom and bed wasn’t enough…

Got some kick ass new tights from a friend’s direct sales clothing business (Silver Icing if you want to check them out) and I’ve been smiling all over town in these things… they’re the Neverland special release.

Browsing around the little gift shop my sister’s friend owns, I stumbled across these cute mugs, which I picked up in anticipation of Canada’s 150th celebrations, which starts next week.  My boyfriend laughs at my silliness;  I’ve never been much for special days and occasions (Christmas and my birthday excluded, of course haha) but since we’ve been together, it makes those occasions and holidays special being able to share them with someone special, and I’ve really started to get into holidays and special occasions – even down to making sure our drinkware is suited for the occasion!

Even my cups are patriotic 😉

I found myself a double rainbow while flying around last week!


And I just received my second award nomination, for the Unique Blogger Award, from Robin at The Robin’s Nest, for which I am delighted and honoured – but that’s a whole other upcoming post, so keep your eyes out for that coming soon.

I should probably insert an update here – if you’ve noticed that my timeline here is a little off it’s because I’m posting this Saturday afternoon rather than Friday evening, because frankly, greatness takes time – aka, I fell asleep before hitting publish last night.

So that’s about it.  That’s me.

And how have you all been?  Any of your own tales from the couch?  Anything interesting, anything fun, any new finds you want to share?  I’d love to hear it!

Author: thebrokegirlsguidetobetterliving

Welcome! I am "thebrokegirl", aka Mandy. And what makes me a broke girl? Being a single income household, living the best life I can alongside my big grumpy dog obviously, but also because I'm not perfect - I'm broke - I'm a work in progress, which is exactly how I want to stay! My passion for writing, research, trying new things and wanting to help and inspire others are what inspired me to start this blog. So what makes me an expert on better living? Nothing! I'm just a girl trying. And what is better living? It's mindfulness, small changes, simple acts, baby steps to help make your day, your health, your environment, your life just that little much better. I'm on a lifelong journey to level up my life, and invite you to share that journey alongside me!

10 thoughts on “Tales From My Couch: A Whole Lot of Nothing”

  1. I love my couch too! It’s red and comfy and I can spend the rest of the day there contemplating about life, reading or watching tv – so obviously nothing productive on my end😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Can’t say I’m enjoying it too much lol… I was until my sciatica decided to start acting up Friday night and then I fell off of my bed (why I was standing on it, jumping off when home alone is nobody’s concern lol) and landed with my fully body weight down on my big toe, and only my big toe, and now suspect I also have a broken toe. It’s been such an AWESOME weekend adventuring in my own apartment, I think I’m done with adventures for a bit lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t remember the last time I was on my couch…and I love those tights! 😉

    I also really enjoy reading about people’s day to day lives, because there seems to be always some sort of connection to people that are willing to share a bit of themselves. And when you see the kind of life they live and you think to yourself, “I new she was a good person to be connected to on WordPress”. 🙂

    I enjoyed reading this…


    1. You need to make a date with it sometime soon then! One of life’s little pleasures 😉
      Thanks! I snagged them just hours before they sold out! Phew! I’ve been trying to fight the shopping bug lately, but sometimes you just have to cave 🙂

      I wasn’t sure how much I was going to write about myself, but found that I’ve become connected to a few people whose interactions I enjoy so much (you have the distinction of being the first 😉 ) and I always enjoy those little get to know you posts – like you said, it always gives you more of a connection to the person whose page you’re following and interacting with – and so decided that if I wanted to build and maintain relationships on here I should be returning the favour! Thanks so much for reading and for your comments (they always make me smile :))! So happy you enjoyed!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And this comment makes me smile. That’s a good thing and I kinda like it. Today feels positive, regardless of everything else.
        I’m glad to be among your most treasured…hehehe.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m just seeing the positive today.
        And I’m shopping…well faux-shopping, because I’m broke…online at the moment. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

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